Friday, July 14, 2006

I Am A Magnet

I am free.
I am healthy
I am wealthy
I am creative
I am capable of doing anything
I manifest every day, every moment
I am one with the Universe
God provides
Life unfold exactly as it should
I open doors
I make space for things to happen
Go through the door and then the means appears
Take action, and then the money comes
The Infinite Good expresses through me every moment
The Infinite good is flowing in me and through me and as me
Today is the greatest day imaginable
Today is the greatest day I have ever had
God is manifesting through me every moment
I am teaching
I am healing the world
I am a magnet
I attract what I am
I am Life itself and I attract more life
I am a magnet for truth, for love, for ways and means
I am a magnet for abundance and freedom of expression